Tag Archive | #coincidence

Convergence: Everything Has A Reason

There is always a reason for everything that has transpired. Even coincidences are not just mere coincidence, they are bound to happen. Everything and everyone are interconnected in a way. The coming together of two or more entities or phenomena known as convergence. In a way has a greater impact in our life.

“Don’t dismiss the synchronicity of 

what is happening right now

finding its way to your life

at this moment.

There are no coincidences in the universe,

only convergence of Will, Intent, and Experience.”

~ Neale Donald Walsch –

” I believe there are no random meetings in our lives

-that everyone we touch, who touches us, 

has been put in our path for a reason.

The briefest encounter can open a door,

or heal a wound, or close a circle

that was started long before your birth.”

~ Susanna Kearsley ~





I'm part of Post A Day 2016